Pâtes sèches - Coquillettes

Dry pasta - Coquillettes


Nutrition :

  • Increases protein and fiber content.
    • Allows the claim of being high in fibre from 10% incorporation.
    • Provides more fiber than whole wheat with a faster cooking time
  • Increases mineral levels: iron, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium.
  • Lowers the glycemic index of pasta.


      • Adds color to the pasta, gives a “complete” appearance.
      • Brings cereal flavors, especially with blond flour.
      • Does not affect the firmness and stickiness of the pasta.

        In practice

        Which flour to choose?

        Blond for its cereal flavor. It gives a golden color to the dough.

        Brown and amber for their caramelized or cocoa flavors.

        Our flours can be produced in a fine particle size (210µm) on request to obtain a smoother texture and facilitate passage through the extruder.

        At what percentage of incorporation?

        From 5% for a light coloring, up to 20% for flavor modifications and a more pronounced color.

        From 15%, we recommend using our fine flour (210µm).

        What changes should be taken into account?

        Since spent grain flour is rich in fiber, we recommend increasing the hydration of the pasta.

        The cooking time is similar to wheat pasta (optimum at 7min30 with 15% spent grain flour, VS 7 min for the 100% wheat semolina control) and shorter than wholemeal pasta.

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        The ingredients used

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