Muffins au chocolat

Chocolate muffins


Nutrition :

  • Increases the fiber and protein content of muffins:
    • Source of fiber from approximately 25% spent grain flour.
  • Provides minerals: phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc.
  • Helps improve the Nutri-score thanks to the fiber intake.


  • Brown spent grain flour enhances the cocoa notes of the muffins.
  • The fibers give a little more body to the product.

Economic :

  • Brown spent grain flour makes it possible to reduce the quantity of cocoa added (up to 20% less) to the recipe and therefore reduce its material cost.

In practice

Which flour to choose?

Here, we have chosen brown spent grain flour to reinforce the cocoa notes of the product and reduce the quantity of cocoa.

Amber spent grain flour brings sweet flavors and roundness. It helps reduce the amount of added sugar.

Blonde spent grain flour should be preferred for nutritional recipes, because it will have the least impact on the organoleptic properties of the product.

At what percentage of incorporation?

Between 20 and 30% to have an impact on color, taste and material cost.

What changes should be taken into account?

Since spent grain flour is high in fiber, it can have a drying effect if the recipe is not adapted. We recommend increasing the egg and/or fat content to overcome this problem.

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The ingredients used

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