


Nutrition :

  • Increased fiber and protein content.
    • High fibre claim from 25%.
  • Reduction of caloric load.


  • Brown flour gives a nice chocolate color to the cookies and amplifies the cocoa flavors.
  • Amber flour brings a more golden color and caramelized flavors that allow you to reduce the sugar in the recipe.

Economic :

  • Acting as a flavor enhancer for cocoa or sugar, brown and amber flours respectively reduce cocoa and sugar contents.

In practice

Which flour to choose?

Brown flour to enhance cocoa flavors. Amber for caramelized flavors and blond for a more classic version with its cereal notes.

At what percentage of incorporation?

Between 10 and 40% depending on the desired results. In our recipe from 25% to obtain the claim " rich in fiber".

What changes should be taken into account?

Since spent grain flour is rich in fiber, we always recommend increasing the hydration of the dough, here by increasing the quantity of egg in the recipe so as not to have a cookie that is too crumbly.

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