Pain au levain

Sourdough bread


Nutrition :

  • Increases fiber and protein content:
    • “Source of fiber” from 3% incorporation.
    • “Rich in fiber” from 8%.
  • Provides minerals: magnesium, phosphorus, iron and calcium.

Organoleptic :

  • Depending on the spent grain flour, the flavors developed will be different:
    • The blond flour brings cereal notes, the amber flour brings caramelized notes and the brown flour brings roasted notes.
  • Flours also provide more or less dark colorings.
  • Spent grain flour adds crunch and crispness to crusts and increases the hydration of soft crumbs .
  • The use of sourdough with spent grain allows the development of tangy flavors.

Economic :

  • Adding spent grain flour to bread helps increase its hydration:
    • Up to 100% hydration from 8% spent grain flour.
  • Bread also keeps longer.

In practice

Which flour to choose?

Blond flour, amber or brown depending on the desired result.

At what percentage of incorporation?

For the sourdough :

  • We recommend making the sourdough by mixing 50% spent grain flour with your usual flour.
  • The quantities of water added must be doubled compared to a classic sourdough.

For the bread :

  • From 5% to perceive the first changes in flavors and colors, up to 30%.

What changes should be taken into account?

Performing an autolysis of flours or soaking the spent grain flour the day before makes it easier to incorporate during kneading and improves the elasticity of the dough. It increases the hydration of the bread, because spent grain flour has a high water retention capacity.

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The ingredients used

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