


Nutrition :

  • Increased fiber and protein content:
    • Protein source > 5% spent grain flour.
    • Source of fiber > 4% from spent grain flour.
    • Rich in fiber > 23% spent grain flour.
    • Data on the dough before baking.
  • Reduction of caloric load.

Organoleptic :

  • The addition of spent grain flour allows the flavors and colors of the products to be modified gradually depending on the incorporation rate.
  • In this example, the addition of amber spent grain flour helps reduce the amount of sugar thanks to its caramelized flavors .

Economic :

  • Spent grain flour has a high water retention capacity, the hydration of the dough must be increased, this allows a reduction in material costs.

In practice

Which flour to choose?

All three flours can be used. Blond spent grain flour will bring a more rustic side thanks to these cereal notes, the amber spent grain flour will be more delicious thanks to its caramelized flavor and brown spent grain flour give a more original rendering with a more pronounced color and roasted/cocoa flavors.

At what percentage of incorporation?

From 5% to have the first organoleptic and nutritional modifications. Up to 30% to keep a soft product, because spent grain flour is very low in gluten.

What changes should be taken into account?

The hydration of the dough must be increased : at least +10% hydration for 10% of added spent grain flour.

Adding some of the liquids to the spent grain flour before kneading will make it easier.

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