Muffins au sirop d'érable et à la farine de drêche

Muffins with maple syrup and spent grain flour

Ingredients for about 18 muffins

  • 2 eggs
  • 140 g of cane sugar
  • 140 g of wheat flour
  • 60 g of amber spent grain flour
  • 10 g of baking powder
  • 120 g of butter
  • 60 g of liquid cream
  • 200 g of maple syrup
  • 240 g of pecan nuts


  • Start by whisking the eggs and sugar together until the mixture whitens.
  • Add melted butter and cream, mix well.
  • Add the two flours and the baking powder.
  • Finish with the maple syrup, mix coarsely. You can leave syrup streaks in the batter for more indulgence in muffins.
  • Finally, add the crushed pecans.
  • Pour into muffin tins and bake at 180°C for 15 minutes. Let cool on rack.
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