Tarte aux fraises

Strawberry tart

Ingredients for sweet pastry

  • 150g of wheat flour
  • 25g of amber spent grain flour
  • 70g of icing sugar
  • 100g of butter
  • 20g of almond powder
  • 1 egg
  • A pinch of salt
  • Half a vanilla pod or a few drops of natural flavoring
  • A nice punnet of strawberries and a few mint leaves

Ingredients for the pastry cream

  • 30g of wheat flour
  • 15g of amber spent grain flour
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 60g of sugar
  • 380mL of milk
  • A vanilla pod


  • Prepare the sweet pastry:
    • Cream the butter with the icing sugar.
    • Add the almond powder, salt and vanilla.
    • Emulsify with the beaten egg.
    • Gradually add the flours.
    • Work the dough quickly until you obtain a smooth, non-sticky dough.
    • Cover and leave to cool for a few hours.
    • Roll out to a thickness of 3-4mm, place the dough in a mold.
    • Bake blind for 15 min at 160°C.
  • Prepare the pastry cream:
    • Boil the milk with the vanilla pod.
    • Meanwhile: beat the eggs with the sugar and flours.
    • Pour in the milk while whisking.
    • Return the mixture to the saucepan and place over low heat.
    • Mix with a whisk until the mixture thickens.
    • Stop cooking when the mixture begins to bubble.
    • Cool the cream before using.
  • Dressing:
    • When the dough has cooled, put the pastry cream on the bottom.
    • Add the strawberries cut into slices starting from the outside.
    • Finish by adding a few fresh mint leaves.
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