Quiche Chèvre Miel

Honey Goat Cheese Quiche


  • Shortcrust pastry with blond spent grain flour : follow our shortcrust pastry recipe to make it
  • 200m L of liquid cream
  • 1 log of goat cheese
  • 3 yellow onions
  • 2 tbsp of honey
  • 2 eggs
  • Nuts
  • 50 g of emmental cheese
  • 1 case of balsamic vinegar
  • Nutmeg and thyme
  • Salt


  • Prepare the onion confit:
    • Fry the onions in olive oil with a pinch of salt until translucent
    • Deglaze with balsamic vinegar
    • Add honey, salt and pepper and simmer
  • Prepare the mixture:
    • Beat the eggs, add the cream, nutmeg, salt and pepper
  • Spread the onion confit on the dough
  • Add the slices of goat cheese on top as well as the walnuts and thyme
  • Pour the device
  • Add some grated emmental cheese
  • Bake for 30 minutes at 180°C
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