Poulet pané

Breaded chicken


  • 2 chicken fillets (300 g)
  • 6 tablespoons of breadcrumbs
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons of wheat flour
  • 2 tablespoons of brown spent grain flour
  • Oil for cooking
  • Salt, pepper, spices, aromatic herbs and other flavors you want to add


  • Prepare the first stage of the breading by mixing the wheat flour and the spent grain flour.
  • Beat the egg on another plate.
  • And finally mix the breadcrumbs and seasonings in a final container.
  • Dip the chicken in the flour, then in the egg and finally in the breadcrumbs.
  • Heat a pan with enough oil to coat the bottom of the pan. When the oil is hot, place the chicken fillets in the pan. Turn the pieces often and cook them for about ten minutes.
  • All you have to do is enjoy your chicken fillets in a good Caesar salad, for example!
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