La farine de drêche, un vrai atout pour la boulangerie !

Spent grain flour, a real asset for baking!

Spent flour is used in many applications , but it particularly stands out in baking. This brewery co-product is full of resources and knows how to be adopted by players in the sector.

Between nutritional, technical, economic and marketing advantages and the strengths of Maltivor, spent grain is being given a second life and it's not for nothing!

Spent flour for what types of bread?

It is an ingredient that can bring many improvements to your baking recipes :

To explore the benefits of this sustainable ingredient in more detail, we will present them according to each category.

The technical advantages:

  • Spent flour provides a crispy and colorful crust on breads.
  • It provides better preservation and allows the bread to be kept for longer in order to avoid food waste.
  • When used in a sourdough starter, spent grain flour enhances the tangy flavors of the sourdough starter.
  • With the addition of spent grain flour to the flour mixture, the crumb remains soft and airy.

Nutritional benefits

  • Our three spent grain flours: blond, amber and brown, all contain 40% fiber.
  • They also contain 20% protein.
  • In addition, they provide minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc.
  • In addition, spent grain flour is a clean label and minimally processed ingredient.

The economic advantages

  • This unique ingredient allows you to partially substitute ingredients such as roasted malted flour.
  • Our flours have stable prices , at any time of the year, unlike raw materials like wheat.
  • This flour can also reduce your recipe costs thanks to its necessary additional hydration rate.

Marketing advantages

  • Use of a low-impact ingredient that reduces the environmental impact of your recipe.
  • Spent flour is an ingredient that can meet some of your technical needs but also allow you to stand out with a unique, tasty and ecological bread.

The + Maltivor

  • Thanks to the Maltivor team, you can benefit from R&D support to help you develop your recipes and answer your technical questions.
  • Our R&D team can also calculate the environmental impact of your spent grain flour recipe using a tool developed in-house.
  • You can also be supported by our marketing team to help you establish your communications elements for your customers.

If you are interested in samples, contact us !

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