Bagel au saumon fumé

Smoked salmon bagel


  • 405 g of T55 wheat flour
  • 45 g of blond spent grain flour
  • 10 g of fresh baker's yeast
  • 230 g of water
  • 9 g salt
  • 28 g of sugar
  • 18 g of olive oil
  • One egg yolk
  • Seeds (sesame, flax, poppy, etc.) for the gilding

For garnish

  • 200 g of fresh cheese
  • 6 slices of smoked salmon
  • A bunch of radishes
  • Some dill


  • Mix all the ingredients and knead for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Divide the dough into 6.
  • Form balls, then make a hole in the middle to make the shape of the bagel. This must be wide enough since the dough will swell.
  • Lay the bagels on pre-cut parchment paper for each loaf and let rise for about 2 hours in a warm place.
  • Boil a large volume of salted water.
  • Immerse the bagels with the parchment paper directly in them. Poach 1 minute on one side, flip and leave for another 30 seconds.
  • Take them out of the water using a slotted spoon, the parchment paper should come off. Place them on an absorbent paper.
  • Using a pastry brush, brown the loaves with egg yolk and add seeds.
  • Bake in an oven at 220°C for 15 minutes.
  • Cool them on a wire rack.
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