Bakery-Viennoiserie-Pastry (BVP)

BVP industrialists, we offer you a solution to create products that are ever more respectful of the environment and tasty. Play with cereal, caramelized or roasted notes to create unique and healthy products.

  • Taste is the number one purchasing criterion for consumers in BVP in France in 2021.
    Source: Federation of Bakery Companies.

  • Tons of bread sold in France in 2019 (+2% between 2008 and 2019).
    Source: Agreste.

  • French people think that bread is an essential food in France in 2021.
    Source: Federation of Bakery Companies.

As with many segments of the food industry, consumers seek quality in the products they purchase. It is then necessary to reinforce the perception of this quality by using ingredients with multiple benefits.

They look for what is good in terms of flavors , naturalness and nutrition . Without forgetting the use of French raw materials and the notion of freshness of the bread which is essential.

So-called premium breads are increasingly in demand, and the BVP sector must innovate to meet these demands. However, it is increasingly important for players in this sector to secure their supplies and prices.

In bread making, Maltivor ingredients have many advantages. Spent grain flour, for example, reduces the cost price by increasing the hydration rate of the bread.

Learn about the breadmaking apps our team has created and how they can benefit your products.

Bakery and pastry applications

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