Biscuit factory

Improve your biscuit recipes while adopting an engaged, nutritious and tasty approach with Maltivor. Discover authenticity and innovation in every application with our alternative ingredients.

  • Total sales of biscuits and cakes in mass distribution in France in 2021.
    Source: IRI.

  • Of adults eat biscuits and cakes for breakfast in France.
    Source: French biscuit and cake manufacturers.

  • The French consume 8.19 kg of biscuits and cakes per year.
    Source: French biscuit and cake manufacturers.

To maintain its customers, in the biscuit segment, innovation is constant and necessary.

Customers are looking for healthy and balanced products . They are more concerned about ingredients, nutrients and health benefits. They are also attracted by ranges of biscuits reduced in sugar, fat and calories.

Demand is also felt regarding the need for naturalness and quality of ingredients . Consumers are vigilant about brand transparency . They avoid artificial additives as much as possible.

Customers are also increasingly open to exploring new flavors and taste experiences.

Finally, social and environmental challenges are increasingly affecting the French population. Biscuit manufacturers all have an interest in positioning themselves in terms of sustainability, by working, for example, to reduce the carbon footprint of their products.

Choosing Maltivor ingredients in this current context is a response to market demand and trends. Spent grain flours will satisfy all consumer demands.

Discover the applications specially designed for biscuit makers by our research and development team.

Biscuit applications

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