The production process for spent grain flour
Spent grain is a cereal that is very rich in fiber, vegetable proteins and flavors, which is why it is interesting to transform it into flour. You should know that generally 88% of the cereal used to produce beer is thrown away, which is why Maltivor is committed to giving it a second life to make spent grain flour.
Maltivor collects spent grain from local breweries located within an hour of the Malti'team premises, located in Vourles, in the Lyon region. As soon as the breweries finish drippings, i.e. removing the spent grains from the beer-making process, the Maltivor team comes to collect them. OUR assignment is therefore to harvest this spent grain to make an innovative flour, rich in protein, fiber and flavor!
Once arrived at the workshop, the transformation is done in several stages, the first is drying. We spread out the wet spent grain on large carts and dry it for several hours at high temperature.
Then, when the grains are dried, we move on to the last step, which is the milling step. For this step, we will use a stone grinder. We start by putting the spent grain into the hopper. The mill consists of a system of two granite millstones which will turn to reduce the spent grain into flour. The sieve used for spent grain flour should be as fine as possible so that the spent grain turns into flour. It is following this step that we will obtain spent grain flour.
Finally, we move on to bagging, which is done in Maltivor's workshop, with the help of a bagger. Once the products are packaged, they are ready to be sold and consumed by all!
Each beer gives birth to its own flour . The blond beer will give the flour a more cereal flavor, the amber will give a more caramelized flavor and the brown, as for it, can give a cocoa flavor.